Hello, my name is

Xinyue Gui

I'am a Research Staff in Igarashi Lab
with Prof. Takeo Igarashi.

It is the old version.
Please find my latest webpage here

About Me

Academic Project Support Specialist in Igarashi UI lab.
Research Interests: Car-to-pedestrian interaction, XR application in evaluation and Algorithmic game theory.

Education Background in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
MSc (1st Class) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Leeds, 2019.
BSc (Hons) in Electrical Engineering and minor in Mathematics from the University of Bridgeport, 2018.

Personal Interests: Paper mechanism (origami, kirigami, pop-up design), Dancing (hip-hop, popping) and Mixology (bartendering and milk art).

My Projects

Research Trend

Novel eHMI for self-driving car, XR evaluation, Mixed pedestrians' behavior analysis (Game-theoretic, Naturalistic Observation).

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"I am going this way"

Gazing Eyes on Self-Driving Car Show Multiple Driving Directions.


Project Page

Gazing Car

Can Eyes on a Car Reduce Traffic Accidents?


Project Page

Collapse Visualization

NEGraf, a graph-based system, transforms complex power system simulation data into a color pattern, explaining the procedure of blackcout.


Project Page